
القاهرة هي عاصمة جمهورية مصر العربية وأهم مدنها تقع القاهرة على جوانب جزر نهر النيل في شمال مصر باريس هي عاصمة فرنسا وأكبر مدنها من حيث عدد السكان. تقع على ضفاف نهر السين في الجزء الشمالي من البلاد في قلب منطقة إيل دو فرانس لندن هي عاصمة المملكة المتحدة وأكبر مدنها. تقع على نهر التيمز في جنوب بريطانيا روما هى عاصمة إيطاليا تقع المدينة في الجزء المركزي الغربي من شبه الجزيرة الإيطالية على نهر التيبر في إقليم لاتسيو الإيطالي طوكيو هي عاصمة اليابان، تقع على الجهة الشرقية لأكبر الجزر الأربعة للبر الياباني هونشو، وعلى الضفة الغربية لـخليج طوكيو وبالقرب من مصب نهر سوميدا  بكين هى عاصمة جمهورية الصين الشعبية ومن أكبر المدن فيها، تقع في الطرف الشمالي من سهل شمال الصين
What is of interest expense quantities ?Account is the sum of the quantities of work on the roads , a goal pursued by workers in this area which is the basis of negotiation and contractingIn the recent period evolve the process of calculating the quantities become a stand-alone specialty grantsStudents enrolled in the higher grades in this specialty up to Ph.D.Altaattor in operations expense amounts was a natural product of evolution that has occurred inValley construction projects , which calculates the amount of interest (which is the basis of workStructural )The owner of this Altaattor evolve in tools and programs that are used in the process of calculatingQuantities and has appeared in recent times many of these programs are expensive and moreAccuracy
Conclusion:Quantities is the purpose for which the contractor is seeking to achieve a basis of negotiation and contracting
Motherh factors in the calculation of quantities :What are some other way causes that affect negatively and positively in the calculation of quantities ?Or what are the factors on which we rely in the calculation of quantities ?
There are three factors that affect Risah in the process of calculating the quantities1 - cross section of the road2 - readings earth nature of the road3 - Design line or line of structural design
These factors which we can control the account and change the quantities of any worker affects the resulting quantities
I will talk about each one of these factors separately
Cross-section through the Cross-Section:Part is trapped between the earth 's natural path of the road and the line design for the road , which consists of the following sections : ]1 - the natural ground line2 - Line structural design for the road3 - leaning lateral side slop( I wish I could be there is a picture caption )The effect of this factor at the expense of quantities :This factor is very Mayweather in the process of calculating the quantities represents emotion in the following:1 - whenever the difference between the readings of the natural ground level, and the design was large quantities resulting large and vice versa.2 - the lateral orientation whenever the percentage of large inclinations side was a large quantity produced , and vice versaFor example, the quantities produced ( when the ratio is 1:3 leaning side ) is greater than the amount produced when the leaning side (eg 1:2Account information collection phase quantities :Will assume in these lessons I contractor and is not designedSo that the cross-section is ready and is designed by Almussam (ie, will not talk aboutHow to design a cross-section because the aim of the lessons how to account , not design)The first important piece of information in the calculation of the quantities a knowledge of the cross-section , because throughAkmenna know how they are surveyed for the land 's natural wayAssume that the cross-section is as follows :
Where the figure shows the level of NGLNatural ground level , DL design and side slop 1:2 or 1:4 ( and we mean thisBy the side slop 1:4 to be specific height , for example, 3-meter and higher than thatBecomes 1:2) and road layers Embankment, subase, base
Readings natural ground : NGLShaped cross-section must be adhered to in the process of cadastral road course it is the shape of the former cross section , we find the following information :Display Base layer foundation is 10 meters 5 meters north of the middle of the road and 5 meters right of the middle of the road and write so 5RT & 5LTShowing Asphalt 7 meters (3.5RT & 3.5LT)
So cadastral land for natural road course must be above dimensionsSo that the readings as the following10M LT & 5M LT & 3.5M LT & CL & 3.5M RT & 5M RT & 10M RT10M RT & 10M LT readings is to increase supply in the rubble layerCL is a middle of the roadAnd the readings form the following:Level design : Design LevelIt is the Giver by the designer ( we calculate the target quantities and not design)It is in the following figure :Account Area:As we know that the integration between the spaces and volumes , this is the space provided to find the sizes and quantities of drilling and filling begins calculates spaces .Space is measured in any geometric shape what either through graphs ( charts )And scale that are specific and appropriate manner directly or through measurements that have beenTaken from the field, and this method is more accurate but more difficult than a graphicalMethod that has been used in our project .
Are usually measure the levels of different points on the lines drawn perpendicular to theThe direction of the axis of the proposed project , a spin-off profiled know what(Cross-Section). The cross-section is the part trapped between the surfaceAllocated for road cars and myelin linear lateral line and between the surface of the earthNatural . The spaces are calculated knowing the levels of these sections and design elementsDifferent , and if you know the space for the occasional clips can thus calculate the amountsDrilling and filling between each consecutive two syllables and thus calculate quantities of drilling and fillingEach project.
The methods used to calculate the space for the occasional clips of many , including:
• mechanical way .• planning method .• computational method ( analytical ) .Programs used in the calculation of quantities :* In the calculation of cut and fill quantities calculated from the rubble layer Embankment* However evolve programs cadastral There are several programs to calculate the quantities and most of thesePrograms are expensive for them priceless , but large companies , there are programsR_khasah price to calculate the quantities but less accuracy in the calculation of quantities* Programs expensive and more accurate* Earh Work program approved by the Ministry of conductors Arabia* Program Earh vloume KH used by U.S. companies* MS German program used by German companies* And other programs
* The software R_khasah price* Program AUTODESKLAND known quantities and the resulting lower accuracy* Program Excel, with the introduction of some of the equations become acceptable accuracy* Program SOFT DESK quantities produced acceptable* And other programsMore generally customary thing is that there is an agreement between the contractor and the owner to specified quantities and add or increase the specific ratesHow to calculate the quantities :How to Calculate quantities ?Using different programs for each course, the way the programDifferent in the introduction of this information, but all of these programs agree on thisInputs ( readings ground NGL and natural cross-section of the roadCORSS-SECTION and level design) and the difference in how you enterThese inputs ( here we are not going to talk about how to calculate these quantitiesPrograms )
Will ask here way too Bstih in the process of calculating the quantities and we can apply this method in the program Excel, Computer anyoneWill I calculate quantities by the GPS (of course there are many other ways )But this method is the easiest and Adegh ( aim to clarify the idea of ​​calculating the quantities

Explain how:It is the figure above we have the coordinates of the pointsAli -dimensional10m RT & 5M RT & 3.5 M RT & 10M LT & 5M LT & 3.5MLT & CLIn the natural ground and in the plane designValahaddathe a ( horizontal distance to read from the middle of the road , reading at this distance ) in the direction of RT -dimensional be a positive example( 10,235.35 ) and in the direction LT -dimensional be a negative example, -10 , 235.45 )For example, in the previous figure we have shown dimensional coordinates of X1 to X11Coordinates elevations shown from Y1 to Y11To calculate this space will be a normal law Coordinates
A = 0.5 * {(X1 * Y2 + X2 * Y3 + X3 * Y4 + X4 * Y5 + X5 * Y6 + X6 * Y7 + X7 * Y8 +X8 * Y9 + X9 * Y10 + X10 * Y11 + X11 * Y1) - (Y1 * X2 + Y2 * X3 + Y3 * X4 + Y5 * X6 + Y6 * X7 + Y7 * X8 + Y8 * X9 + Y9 * X10 +Y10 * X11 + Y11 * X1)}

Of course, all these coordinates Giver of natural ground readings ( see the first tabulator ) of level design ( see the second tabulator )The application of these data in the law ( and the law known each ) we get the sectional area specifiedFor example, at the point section 103.100 = 25M2 and so
Enter this program in Excel in minutes by applying the equation we get for all areas of each sector
Picture shows how to enter this data in the Excel program :And how to calculate the areaFibrous calculate quantities :After calculating space comes the stage of calculating the quantitiesAccording to the laws as follows:There are a variety of ways and different situations and different laws for calculatingSizes , depending on the difference in the case of each section and we'll show some of the models of the projectMeet all five cases the accounts sections
 the first section and the second drilling drilling . first section of the bridge and the second bridge . first section of the bridge and the other pits ( or vice versa) . first section drilling and other mixed ( or vice versa) . first section of the bridge and the other a mixed ( or vice versa) . Mokhtltan two sections .

The first section and the second dig dig :
And the following law is used for both cases , whether full or drilling two sections were full bridgeIn this case, volumes are calculated on the following law :
V = D (A1 + A2) / 2WhereV = volume of materialA1 = sectional area of ​​the firstA2 = -sectional area of ​​the secondD = the distance between the CT
The first section of the bridge and the other pits ( or vice versa) :
Are calculating the area of ​​excavation and backfill as follows:

Backfill by lawVf = {(F ^ 2 * D) / 2 * (F + CWhereVf = volume of backfillF = space reclamationC = cutting areaD = the distance between the sectors
Example :We have chosen sections which numbers Mahtathma respectively (Station 0 +160) & (Station 0 +180)
Cross-sectional area of drilling C)) m2 13.25 =Cross-sectional area filling (F) = m2 10.39The distance between the two sections (D) = 20 m
Backfill size :74.27 M3
The size of the drill :45.67M3

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