
القاهرة هي عاصمة جمهورية مصر العربية وأهم مدنها تقع القاهرة على جوانب جزر نهر النيل في شمال مصر باريس هي عاصمة فرنسا وأكبر مدنها من حيث عدد السكان. تقع على ضفاف نهر السين في الجزء الشمالي من البلاد في قلب منطقة إيل دو فرانس لندن هي عاصمة المملكة المتحدة وأكبر مدنها. تقع على نهر التيمز في جنوب بريطانيا روما هى عاصمة إيطاليا تقع المدينة في الجزء المركزي الغربي من شبه الجزيرة الإيطالية على نهر التيبر في إقليم لاتسيو الإيطالي طوكيو هي عاصمة اليابان، تقع على الجهة الشرقية لأكبر الجزر الأربعة للبر الياباني هونشو، وعلى الضفة الغربية لـخليج طوكيو وبالقرب من مصب نهر سوميدا  بكين هى عاصمة جمهورية الصين الشعبية ومن أكبر المدن فيها، تقع في الطرف الشمالي من سهل شمال الصين

Now you know all ăÇíÎŐ two Total Station SET510/SET610 how to use the device

Now you know all ăÇíÎŐ two Total Station SET510/SET610 how to use the device
First: - Lifting with the registration process using the coordinates
Second: - The signing process...Third: - ..........How to use a device Altautal Sttn Model (SET510/SET610)First: - Lifting with the registration process using the coordinates.Pressing [ESC] until we get the home screen Sokkia pagePressing [MEM] F3 - show a screen with several options and choose the ones JOB after pressing (É)Then we choose - Job selection and then (É)Pressing LIST then using ² ± choose the file you want and not slot Job-1 and then pressing (É) twice and prepared by pressing ESC.Can change the name , file and selecting Job Name Edit then (É) and pressing the Func can choose Mirdif label but then TEST (É)Pressing ESC three times.Choose - Coord show several options .Choose - then we STN Orientation (É)8 . Choose - STN Coordinate then (É) screen appears enter the coordinates of the station occupied9 . Pressing EDIT primitive and then enter values ​​for the following coordinates Ka(É) 100 No(É) 100 Eo(É) 10 Zo(É) 1.5 Inst. HT(É) 1.7 Tgt.HTThen we press OK10 . Choose - H angle and then (É) shows us two options: -In the case of the point as an angle deviation of the background information from the North choose - H angle and then enter the value of the corner and then turn our back on the point and then pressing (É).* In the case of point coordinates Nepta background information as follows: -* Choose - Back Sight then (É)* We click on EDIT to start entry point coordinates the background as follows : -(E) 150 NBS(E) 100 EBS(E) 11 ZBS* Then we press OK twice .* Went back to the point and then pressing "Yes" / F4,* Pressing ESC twice11 . Put pressure on the REC show several options sculpture t us STN Data and then pressing (E)12 . Screen appears with the values ​​of the coordinates of the point territory (STN) , we review them and then pressing OK / F1,13 . Floats then choose Coord Data (E)14 . Went to the point to be finding its coordinates and then pressing Auto Thus we repeat the process with guidance on Auto pressure until the completion of the lift.* Note / If you want to change the point number or high reflector or code your point we thus : -* Draw a point and then pressing OBS.* Then we press REC then EDIT and then we make the necessary changes and then OK* Auto use in the absence of a desire to change the point number or a high reflector with a quick registry .*****************************
B) . Secondly, the process of signing : -1 . Func pressing until we get the S-0 by clicking on it and then we2 . Choose - STN Orientation and (E)3 . Choose - STN Coordinate then (E)4 . We press EDIT to start entry station coordinates as follows(É) 100 No(É) 100 Eo(É) 10 Zo(É) 1.5 Inst. HT(É) 1.7 Tgt.HTThen we press OK5 . Choose - Hangle then (É) shows us two options: -In the case of the point as an angle deviation of the background information from the North choose - Hangle then enter the value of the corner and then turn our back on the point and then pressing (É).* In the case of point coordinates background information follow the following: -* Choose - Back Sight then (É)* We click on EDIT to start entry point coordinates the background as follows : -(E) 150 NBS(E) 100 EBS(E) 11 ZBS* Then we press OK twice .* Went back to the point and then pressing F4 / Yes* Pressing ESC once .11 . We choose S-O Data then (É)12 . Now we are free iPad coordinates point to be signed in one of two ways: -A ) / If you are writing point directly at the site follow the following steps : -* You press (F2) (& SO) until we get the signature screen coordinates Coord So-* EDIT then we put pressure free iPad point value to be signed as follows137 NP125 EP11 ZPOK EDIT & S-O READ* We are pressing the OK* Pressing F2 (& SO) until we get to the next screen15 M H S-O45 "13 '10L d HA10 12 88 ZA48 35 145 HAR* D HA represents the difference between the current trend and the direction of the point to be signed .* You wrap the device even yell value d HA = 0 is equal to zero and can put pressure on key(± ²) F3 to see the movement direction of rotation.* We create a reflector in the direction of line of sight from the device and then pressing (OBS) in order to adjust the distance . We repeat the process until the value of SO H as small as possible or zero then we have concluded the signing of the point.* To sign a second point we press ESC and repeat the same steps above.B / in the case that the points to be signed in a pre-recorded memory can recall from memory and signed Kylie .* READ clicking on show all recorded points we select the point in question and then pressing (E)* Then pressing OK will appear next screen27.88 m S-O H35 45 53 DHA53.231 HZAHARREC ± ² & S-O OBS* - You wrap the device even yell value d HA = 0 also press F3 (± ²) to help determine the direction of rotation .* And then put the inverter in the direction of line of sight device exactly .* OBS and pressing it to start to adjust the distance* Move the inverter - backward or forward until ~ SO H be worth less or zero as possible and then we will have completed the signing of the first point .* And then pressing ESC to start signing next point* You choose the next point and then (E) then OK and so on.

V) . Calculate the coordinates of the station occupied Bmalomah two or more points (RESECTION)Func until we put pressure on the Menu and then pressing MenuShow several options to choose them ResectionThe following screen appearsP +1NPEPZPTghtREAD EDITEDIT to start pressing enter coordinates in the first point of information , or we call her from memory if they are registered by READ.Then move the arrow to the right side Ú enter or call the second point of information and so on until all the entry points of information . Then we press MEAS.The following screen appearsP +1 ResectionNEZDIST7 . The Directive on the first point and then pressing DIST then Yes8 . Then you guidance on the second point and then pressing DIST and thus at last finished last point put pressure on the CALC to calculate the coordinates of the station.

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