
القاهرة هي عاصمة جمهورية مصر العربية وأهم مدنها تقع القاهرة على جوانب جزر نهر النيل في شمال مصر باريس هي عاصمة فرنسا وأكبر مدنها من حيث عدد السكان. تقع على ضفاف نهر السين في الجزء الشمالي من البلاد في قلب منطقة إيل دو فرانس لندن هي عاصمة المملكة المتحدة وأكبر مدنها. تقع على نهر التيمز في جنوب بريطانيا روما هى عاصمة إيطاليا تقع المدينة في الجزء المركزي الغربي من شبه الجزيرة الإيطالية على نهر التيبر في إقليم لاتسيو الإيطالي طوكيو هي عاصمة اليابان، تقع على الجهة الشرقية لأكبر الجزر الأربعة للبر الياباني هونشو، وعلى الضفة الغربية لـخليج طوكيو وبالقرب من مصب نهر سوميدا  بكين هى عاصمة جمهورية الصين الشعبية ومن أكبر المدن فيها، تقع في الطرف الشمالي من سهل شمال الصين

(Topcon 702)

Signing points Traverse nature using the integrated monitoring station (Topcon 702)1 - is opening a new Job Program STANDARD SURVEY.2 - are entered on the command EDIT \ POINT.3 - data is entered all the points to be signed by nature any number was Kaltly :POINT NO -point numberCoordinate (x ) EASTAjaddaty ( St. ) NORTHAttributed ELEVATIONDescription CODE4 - exit to the main menu and enter an order SETOUTA - point selection ENTERB - FIND NEAREST POINTAre selected CANCELC - is set Altasamt and horizontal of the device to the point information from JobD - is the introduction of a data point and high device (CC.P)E - is the introduction of the background and monitoring point5 - is the introduction of high reflector6 - is the introduction of a data point to be signed by nature7 - gives the machine the value of rotation to be to sign a point and a rotation device to 0 "0 º 0`. Be in the direction of the point , is monitoring the inverter in this direction , and given the value of the distance if they were positive be remain, if negative be redundant and are moving the reflector in the direction until given zero distance8 - is repeated in step 7 every time intended to drop another point .......... and so on.
Rules calculate the coordinatesA = (E1; N1) B = (E2; N2)· To calculate the distance between A and B.
DIST = √ ((E1-E2) 2 + (N1-N2) 2)· To calculate the deviation of the rib August
TAN (AB) = (E1-E2) \ (N1-N2)· Calculate the coordinate point from the point of info:1 - stand on the point ÇáăÚáćăĺ device2 - the route to the north or rib deflection if possible3 - Read the value of the angle to the second point and the distance between them4 - The calculation is as follows :E2 = E1 (+ \ -) ​​DIST * SIN (A)N2 = N1 (+ \ -) ​​DIST * COS (A)Knowledge is a fixed point on the chart and downloaded information coordinate ( assumption )Then be calculated coordinate any point of the scheme knowing ( angle + distance)
Curves· To calculate the length of the curve
L.C = (R * (PI) * (Δ)) \ 180· The length of the tendon
CHORD = 2 * R * SIN (Δ \ 2)· The largest shareL = R - √ ((R2-(L \ 2) 2))
(M = R - (R * COS (Δ \ 2)· Calculate the area of ​​a triangle Bmalomah ribsS = (A + B + C) \ 2AREA = √ (S * (S-A) * (S-B) * (S-C))· Calculate the area of ​​a triangle corners Bmalomah((A \ SIN (A)) = (B \ SIN (B)) = (C \ SIN (C)
· Peak area boaterAREA = 2 \ 3 * B * AWhere:B: LONG CHORD

* To access the Data in any integrated monitoring station (Topcon 702)
1 - while lifting can occur some errors in the monitoring and to enter and work to correct these errors or any knowledge of the data points have been monitored by the error occurred , and are as follows:A - Access to the main menu (STDSVY). Than (Prog)B - Select the Edit menu and then choose Point.C - FIND choose and write -point number is desired then ENT.D - is the work of the amendment in any data to this point and then recorded with ENT.E - after the completion of the correct data to enter another point by (FIND) and then write her own work and so the amendment or transfer data manually.
2 - to know the steps that have been working Active and debugging them are the following:A - Access to EDIT and then choose the ROW.B - is the knowledge of all the steps that has to monitor all Active blobs territories and averages monitoring and knowledge of angles and distances in order.

* Program ) REM altimetry remote )Action steps :1 - after Tsamt device and adjust the horizontal device is opened the device.2 - Choose the F1 (Prog) from the main screen.3 - choose from the list is REM vertical .Are there two cases using high reflector or without the knowledge of the high reflector :A - YES
B -NOFirst - in the case of the use of high reflector (YES):1 - is the introduction of high reflector2 - put down the inverter goal3 - HD monitor inverter horizontal distance .4 - given the actual height of the inverter is then move the telescope in the vertical direction until the end of the target.5 - show reading the college to reflect the higher goal.
Second - in the case of not knowing the high reflector and selection (NO):1 - put down the inverter goal.2 - HD monitor inverter horizontal distance .3 - Move the telescope to the bottom of the target and then make the VA SET - 0004 - Move the telescope to the end goal petition reading the words of the value of the rise and so is measured at several heights from the same location after the HD monitor horizontal distance .

* Program (MLM)
( Measuring the lengths of the sides of the remote teams and attributed them )Action steps :1 - after Tsamt device to reveal all the ribs point to be measured .2 - After opening the device are selected F1 (Prog) from the main screen.3 - are chosen is (MLM) from the menu anchored .There are two cases :A. - (D-A) (C-A) (B-A)B - (D-C) (C-B) (B-A)First - (D-A) (C-A) (B-A):1 - the introduction of high inverter and monitoring points in the first rib (BA).2 - given the horizontal distance and the difference is attributed .3 - are monitoring point (B) and given horizontal distance and difference attributed .4 - then given the length of the rib (BA) and the difference between them is attributed .5 - is repeating steps (CA) and (DA).Second - (D-C) (C-B) (B-A):1 - Enter the height of the reflector.2 - monitoring point (A) gives the horizontal distance and the difference is attributed .3 - monitoring point (B) is given horizontal distance and difference attributed .4 - given the distance (BA) and the difference is attributed .5 - monitoring point (C) petition dimension (CB) and the difference is attributed .6 - Monitoring is repeated in (D) and thus petition (DC).

* Program BS ( used to measure the coordinate points and the difference is attributedAction steps :1 - Altasamt adjust the horizontal and the point of the device is unknown (x, y, z) Pt-Point and enter details as (1) .2 - Background data entry point (x, y, z) and high reflector and the high point monitoring device and the background ( 2) .3 - monitoring point No. (3) is then see HD, SD, (NEZ).4 - can thus read the corner ( 1,2,3 ) .5 - this program can work out a program to raise Surveyors (STDSRVY).6 - this program can receive the Active and audit information and coordinates of the point levels or receiving angle and the lengths of the sides .7 - to take advantage of the program after the introduction of BS -point data Occupied and background are entering the STD from the home screen and can use in this case Kdstomot monitoring station to monitor the lengths and angles to monitor Ktheodlat .

TuraersatTuraersat specifications :1 - must be points Altravrs fixed points are not affected by any actions within the site and far from workplaces Active .2 - length of the side of 200 m to 700 m .3 - the angle between the ribs from 30 º to 150 º.4 - are numbered , and a description of each work card points.5 - Points to be of reinforced concrete is poured off-site and then be installed well .6 - Points should be revealing to each other , such as a, b, c must be a point of view .. for a, c .7 - Points must be chosen carefully so that take advantage of them as much as possible and take advantage of them to be the largest possible area Active .Action steps , such as a, b, c :1 - the device is placed on a point number (a) and adjust Altasamt and adjust the horizontal and the opening of a new Job .2 - data entry point (a ) (E, N, ELV) (OCC-PT) ( occupied ) and high device.3 - Background data entry point (a ` ) and then routing and monitoring them in the direction of North and reset the device.4 - are monitoring point (b ) FS introduction and then turn off the device.5 - put the device to point (b ) (OCC-Pt) ( occupied ) and adjust the horizontal and Altasamt data entry point (b ) and high device.6 - are monitoring point (a) shall be BS background .7 - guidance on the point ( c) and then monitored FS Introduction extinguishing device.8 - put the device on (c ) OCC-Pt)) is occupied then monitor (b ) BS.9 - These steps are repeated in the rest of the points Altravrs and thus in each mode are monitored point Altravrs 3 times is the ( occupied OCC-Pt), ( background BS), ( Introduction FS).

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