
القاهرة هي عاصمة جمهورية مصر العربية وأهم مدنها تقع القاهرة على جوانب جزر نهر النيل في شمال مصر باريس هي عاصمة فرنسا وأكبر مدنها من حيث عدد السكان. تقع على ضفاف نهر السين في الجزء الشمالي من البلاد في قلب منطقة إيل دو فرانس لندن هي عاصمة المملكة المتحدة وأكبر مدنها. تقع على نهر التيمز في جنوب بريطانيا روما هى عاصمة إيطاليا تقع المدينة في الجزء المركزي الغربي من شبه الجزيرة الإيطالية على نهر التيبر في إقليم لاتسيو الإيطالي طوكيو هي عاصمة اليابان، تقع على الجهة الشرقية لأكبر الجزر الأربعة للبر الياباني هونشو، وعلى الضفة الغربية لـخليج طوكيو وبالقرب من مصب نهر سوميدا  بكين هى عاصمة جمهورية الصين الشعبية ومن أكبر المدن فيها، تقع في الطرف الشمالي من سهل شمال الصين

Low earth

Low earth

" Low earth."
Successive victories the Persians on the Byzantines , and was one Boguar Dead Sea in about 617 AD , and in 624 AD startle Hercules Persians to sail through the Black Sea ; Vastoly Azerbaijan and largest temple fire destroyed the magician , the same as in Nasr Muslims in Badr .Rolled up victories on the Eastern Roman Byzantine Sassanid Persians ; was the decisive battle in 627 AD area of Nineveh , capital of Assyria ancient Mesopotamia .Quran foretold the defeat of the Romans and locate the battle in the lower area of ​​the surface of the Mini , and told their victory and the victory of Muslims in a few years ; , which has already been achieved .He says : ( ached . Romans have been defeated . Lowest in the land. They, after their defeat will be victorious . In a few years . God is before and after the day believers will rejoice . Victory from God grant victory to whom He is Mighty, the Merciful ) ( Roman: 1 5 )And at least the surface of the Dead Sea, about 400 meters from the surface of the Mediterranean Sea ; valleys and around the area are already the lowest on earth .
Image : " Low Earth" rolled victories the Persians to the Byzantines , and was one Boguar Dead Sea around the year 617 AD , and in 624 AD startle Hercules Persians to sail through the Black Sea ; Vastoly Azerbaijan and destroyed the largest temple fire magician , the same as in Nasr Muslims in Badr . Rolled up victories on the Eastern Roman Byzantine Sassanid Persians ; was the decisive battle in 627 AD area of Nineveh , capital of Assyria ancient Mesopotamia . Quran foretold the defeat of the Romans and locate the battle in the lower area of ​​the surface of the Mini , and told their victory and the victory of Muslims in a few years ; , which has already been achieved . He says : ( ached . Romans have been defeated . At the lowest floor. They, after their defeat will be victorious . In a few years . God is before and after the day believers will rejoice . Victory God grant victory to whom He is Mighty, the Merciful ) ( Roman: 1 5 ) and at least the surface Dead Sea, about 400 meters from the surface of the Mediterranean Sea ; valleys and around the area are already the lowest on earth .

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