الجمعة، 21 فبراير 2014

Travelers in the field of space

Read this important information before Mitrouh operate in any interview outside of the travel companyGod willing, who decided to travel to work outside Egypt before Maaml any need reading this task

@ @ @ @ Important very very very very kindly read the last line @ @ @ @

For me and the generosity of our Lord and going without an interview or accept an interview from the offices of employment and travel abroad to inflict employment that exist in the Arab Republic of Egypt

Alert ::: :::Mafish need name companies employ certified or Travel in Egypt .. all companies bear right and wrong brook cheek thoughts of de .. very , information and advice to any extent de ŃÇíÍ interview in any company hire or travel in the cities of Egypt and ask you all to pray ..

If Qbluk thanks to God without a personal interview or Atqublt in the interview who Ranha thanks to God .. and CONTACT Beck Ashan processed and your paper to travel .. Htaml Paper net 200 pounds and dimensions Eodok work analyzing blood in the lab and pay 120 pounds and go after the center Jamka at the Department of Kasr El-Nil and Ikhtarollk private hospital reveal where and pay 375 pounds almost then if God forbid came in the detection need Hatsalo Beck after two days and two-dimensional imagination recruitment office and Tdelhm Fish likened prompt to the state who Raahaa and Haakhaddo you qualified Ashan Huthagoh when Representative Arabia and pay 150 pounds and we have to be qualified Mtothag of Foreign Affairs Egyptian before this and a certificate of experience as well as Mtdfh flus in that time and Heachdo you your passport Ashan Ihto him a visa and we have to be named visa Elly Jialk matching qualified who Maak Ashan Mtaatabash and Mtaatbhdch means qualification doctor remains indefinite visa doctor .. qualification etiquette geographically Division area remains indefinite visa surveyor otherwise .. Htqa problems and passport Atervd of the Saudi consulate due to lack of matching qualified for a visa and then, the name tells you if God forbid got Keda Hkhalshalk and Tdfla 4000 pounds and Keda ! ! Vlazem Ashan Mottagash in IBC large de needed a qualification is identical to the name of the visa .. and visa Btzl a passport within 10 days almost means and then pay a commission office and come on the formation of a month's salary who Htakhaddh in the state who Htstgl in. .. advice Mtdfh flus , but what visa descend on passport and necessary Tsawmh Menzel reduce the price of the commission and Mtdfh Keda and salvation Oak O Bashengan

Tips for hiring new engineers and any other profession in Saudi Arabia ))) .. Moved )))

I , I encountered a lot Bostadt Ptsal on the subject of contracts and agreements in presentations Elly Btejy people Elly Teegy the first time Saudi Arabia, especially engineers , and Ashan I like that you told a little Nsaih tell people Ashan be Vahmh her ​​head from her legs and estimated decide depending on the circumstances :

1 - I am an engineer graduate of 2011, and was working at less than the average, and because of that de Alantrfe where he got a lot of fraud and cheating .

2 - Travel offices concerned with all the money you Htakhaddha Elly , and sometimes from the sponsor , Vmh difference Amaaha Belongs To A

The best cities in terms of the work is Jeddah , Dammam , Riyadh ... and God knows best and highest -3

4 - no promises Mesh registered in the decades know she Mesh Httnfz , the contract required where every need Httfq them , without exception , and be registered Saudi Chamber of Commerce - depending on the city of your business - because the non- Keda Labour Office Mabietervh any need , even if the contract Mamady it from both sides But I do not registered .

5 - and you have the opportunity in Egypt degrade all your terms , to reach Saudi Arabia Elly Atketb and agreed upon in the contract is Elly Hatnfz , any need is kept Dawnen Meet me like that .

6 - for engineers from a recent graduate reduce the experience of two years , Mtqublh never less than 5000 riyals net salary is housing and car sober , written explicitly in the contract, either if Headache salary Full package Mtqublh less than 7000 riyals , and the idea of ​​two Delwaty Bihaulo exploit conditions and vacate the 3500 salary and if Full package Bihaulo Akhaloh 5000 , but Ihamloc and accommodation expenses and de Guild and about 5000 a year means a month's salary .

7 - before what is needed Teegy sure that the sponsor Mesh scope of red or yellow , because if the bands countries Mafish raised Httalaa and not any need in the dialogues and Htdkhal Malhash any Talatan crisis

8 - Air tickets and accommodation fees and insurance and all expenses for the guardian relationship with the Saudi government at the expense of the company or the sponsor , if he tried Ihamhalk refuse and saying your law Bicol that the expenses in full you - passport , health insurance , car license , residence, annual renewal fees , any Other expenses novel - and Atketb this conversation explicitly in the contract.

9 - Elly Ikdof show and tells you the contract and is the de de fixed form and after that Huntvq and Henger and Btaa Mtsedkosh .... de Kaddab u ! !

10 - no salary increases in the contract you sign , Elly tells you in the points system and excellence and consistent increases followed by a list of the company .... de Kaddab u ! !

-------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------

General advice for those looking for jobs abroad ( Moved ) information about travel

Information about travel :: ( (1)) is supposed to Mafish need name flus Ptdfha for office or wish decade or like that Ashan imposed Gulf Ptdf fees for the Office for the provision of employment - but offices Elly we Bthbltj Anas and Btakhadd them a royalty stings Ptbaky in reasonable and stings Ptbaky amounts where - where the proportion of Aalamom recognized omitted is 2.5% of the contract value .

Information about travel :: ( (2) ) need Algtth companies non- respected after the revolution remained Ptstad in Maiya turbid and remained Btensl says salaries are very weak are not commensurate with living in the Gulf Aadob remain Ayesh mesh passengers Ashan working flus - unfortunately Deh reality and our circumstances and our connection like that , but they tried to Tmainwa things mean Mtrechsh yourself , even if you are traveling Chan salary provide reasonable estimates it needs a reasonable fit with you as possible conform things

Information about travel :: ( (3)) is very important to Igilk Showing trying to communicate with no limit confidence for Lake Ayesh in the same city the company and ask about the details of living in the city de terms of the prices of transportation and rents housing and the cost of calls and the net and the rest of the cost of living , because every city in the Gulf of guardian Theme salary is subject to various possible remains a masterpiece in the city of Qassim and uniforms remain the same salary garbage in the city of Jeddah uniforms

Information about travel :: ( (4) ) I know that travel always Bevdil uniforms addictive and Htsafr large will stay the length of your age is large and Htsafr small will stay the length of your age small Vmthaolsh travel on the need Tabanh say temporarily because the possible temporarily de lost its two years of your life which is the price of the contract

Information about travel :: ( (5) ) nobody laughs you salary tired just to remain resident in Mecca or Medina or Jeddah and tells you straying side campus and Tlaqak Btakhadd text salary colleague Elly in Riyadh - Thread Mesh Petqas like that where people between them and the campus mesh Abiemiloa Umrah only once a year and can Mahco and Bakalhm twenty years in Jeddah, and the people in places far joined them every two weeks we go - this is a nobody and nobody this

Information about travel :: ( (6) ) salary in the Gulf , especially Saudi Arabia Pethsp like that for married couples , , , basic salary + transportation allowance of 10% or provide car + housing allowance 3 months of basic salary + airfare annual you and your wife + medical insurance you and your wife - This is less need Ashan live an existence severed

Information about travel :: ( (7) ) , for example, tells you what extent salary SR 2000 Toloh Egyptian and begin your expenses are calculated - Calculate loyalty Ariyal ćÔćÝ Htsrv cam , according to information on the saree Htarafha And then the rest around the pound

Information about travel :: ( (8) ) the unconscious guy you laugh and you are offered , for example, the salary of a weak thousand riyals and tells you where 10 Libra possible Eachdoa de salary - not mean that the 10 Bebawa themselves you sell yourself violin

Information about travel :: ( (9) ) in the end Mtaatahamsh Ui in travel - to travel a lot and Httsdm Htlaqy people Mandhmh no heart or blood

Information about travel :: ( (10) ) , for example, tells you salary in 1500 and in an additional 3 hours in the day .. Mkosh an invitation to speak and de acetic call Elly Hatketb decade .. possible Tighe on -year project after 6 months and concludes Htlaqy yourself salary sorties by Elly every year, you okay

Information about travel :: ( (11) ) Mtaatoukash you Htsafr you a small thing for taking the salary of a few years to answer condominium , Arab and processed and Ttjoz and , for example, remains 've got 35 years with you Flus Kterh open the project ( De opportunities do not exceed 5 % of the saree Bisavroa )

Information about travel :: ( (12) ) developed yourself in all the programs that belong to your field because guardian impact on your business opportunity abroad and experience Ptsud


For more important information , please visit these sites

Work of Cuban Link who Aaozh alone and Hetta Best top of the window and press the Inter

Egyptians forum conversations : File full comprehensive living in Saudi Arabiahttp://www.egyptiantalks.org/ invb / index.php? showtopic = 54239 ------------------------------- -----------------------------How to extract the required paperwork to work in Saudi Arabia: Http://www.egyptiantalks.org/ invb / index.php? Showtopic = 126887 ------------------------------ -------------------------------Yahoo forum written procedures for travel to Saudi Arabia + Aastfassarat those who want to travel http://dvd4arab.maktoob.com/ f600/1425878.html-------------------------------------------------- ----------Google SearchMeasures necessary to travel to Saudi Arabia: Http://www.google.com.sa/ search? Safe = active & biw = 1280 & bi h = 699 & q = action + for + travel + to Saudi Arabia & oq = action + for + travel + to Saudi Arabia & gs_l = serp.12 .. 0i30.1640.1640.0.2690 . . 0.0.329.329.3-1.1.0 ... 0.0 ... 1c .1.12. Serp.JZyYYl4r6yo --------------------------- ------------------------------Papers required for travel: Http://eltunsi.com/index.php/ docs-------------------------------------------------- -Site and the Egyptian Ministry of Interior - the issuance of travel documents: Http://www.moiegypt.gov.eg/ Arabic / Departments% 20Sites / Immegration / TravellingPapers / HowtoHavePassport /==============================

A very important statement from the Ministry of Manpower Arab Republic of Egypt

The names of recruiters and Recruitment abroad to deal with the outlawed in Egypt and the names of companies and organizations outlawed where work outside Egypt

Has been shut down to deal with the following companies for violating the provisions of these companies Labour Law No. 12 of 2003 and the decisionMinisterial Decree No. 135 of 2003 Regulations governing the practice of inflicting Egyptians working abroad and at home

The company - Title

Egypt , Jordan to inflict the Egyptian labor license 563 companies on 19/2/2007 6 Zakaria El Khalil - Sheraton Nozha -Al Hassan Cairo for Egyptian workers abroad license 451 companies Hussein Hegazy 18 - Kasr Al Ainy - Apartment 1 - Sayeda ZeinabCompany Meniawy Recruitment for overseas companies license 216 281 Mohamed Talaat - Agouza - Giza Company Olivia Recruitment license 327Tower companies the names of 104 Towers apartment Saad - Maryotia - Pyramid - GizaCompany Shandidy labor overseas companies license 547 2 El Republic Tower Shandidy - Itai - gunpowder company labor peace to inflict abroad license 520 companies 70 El Republic - Flat 18 sixth floor - Azbakeya - CairoEgyptian Gulf Company for Recruitment license 550 companies cooperatives Smouha - GS 101 Round 4 - Sidi Gaber - AlexandriaCompanies across the world to inflict the Egyptian labor license 514 companies 66 St. Abualmaty Flat 6 - Corniche El Nil - Agouza - GizaCompany jewel city of Egyptian workers licensed 89 companies 20 El Hassan Sharara Bldgs familiar Beside Al Ahly Club - Nasr City - CairoCompany New Dawn For Recruitment Egyptian license 657 companies 52 El Nozha Rabaa Investment - Nasr City - CairoCompany Tusk Barttr For Recruitment License No. 567 Egyptian companies a 63 Abu Dawood Zahry - Makram Ebeid St. 23 - Nasr City - CairoCompany honorable to inflict Egyptian workers abroad license number " 484 " corporate elite company to append the new Egyptian workers abroad license number " 526 " Reem global companies to inflict Egyptian workers abroad license number " 842 " companiesCompany International Kontrki For Recruitment abroad license number " 647 " companies Company Arabia to inflict employment abroad license number " 824 "Companies company Saidy International Recruitment abroad license number " 665 "Company Eagle Island companies to inflict labor abroad license number " 702 "


Statement corporate outlawed handled abroad and is still valid to date

Saudi Arabia

: Reconciling Motor Company - owner : Siraj Abdul Aziz Kaki grandfather on 08/22/1994International manufacturer group - owner : Mohamed Abdel Rahman Mansour manufacturer grandfather on 08/09/1994Center for the Lord is not a beauty - owner : Princess / Mamih Chadli and her husband, Prince / Prince Bandar and his son / Bandar bin Suleiman on 07/15/1998 RiyadhCenter for Engineering Technology Construction was to change the name / institution reconstruction Contracting gimmick - owner : Mansour Abdullah Alstrae on 15/07/1998 Riyadh institution flower of cities - owner : Massad GHAMRAWI Hashim Hashim and his son on 20/11/1999 MedinaDania clinic and center for the computer - owner : Patel Mubarak Aelovesa grandfather on 04/08/1999Hospital doctor / girlfriend Kamal Pasha - his grandfather on 07/03/2000Enmity Foundation - owner : Abdul Rahman Al -Qurashi grandfather on 03/07/2000Arab Center for the safety and security of industrial - owner : Rashad Saqr grandfather on 24/3/2001Dania Foundation Construction and Trade - owner : Suleiman bin Mohammed bin Galloway Saq'abi on 12/5/2001 Riyadh Foundation / Assistant Faleh Al-Mutairi Trading & Contracting - On 12/11/2001 Abha - AsirFoundation / box end -Mutairi - grandfather on 25/11/2001Foundation / Qpson Ali Al-Zahrani - Abha on 31/03/2002Foundation Ahmed Naji Abdel Razek - grandfather on 23/09/2002Foundation Zhuan Contracting & Trading Co. - owner : Moaidh Yahya Al-Qahtani on 29/9/2004 AbhaBeauty " Beauty Care " - owner : Nora Mohammed Thunayan on 21/09/2005 Salmaniya RiyadhHairdresser player ( Lubna ) - owner : Lubna Al-Zamil on 21/09/2005 neighborhood Manar - RiyadhRabigh Poultry Farms ( Stomachic entrance peaceful season ) - On 10/1/2005Foundation Center Network Modern Contracting - owner : Hassan Abdullah Al-Zahrani on 7/8/2007 RiyadhGlobal Office Services & Engineering Consultants - owner : Nasser Mohamed Abdel Salam on 20/9/2007 RiyadhIndustry Company Ltd. Arab insulation ( insulators ) - Executive Director : Ibrahim Alsugair on 9/8/2006 Riyadh Saeed Bin Mohammed Al Qahtani lumpy , Turki bin Saeed Mohammed al-Qahtani on 30/12/2008 RiyadhGroup clinics ( medical Asia - Casablanca - saw - Princess ) - owner : Fahd Abdul Aziz Al Kathiri Riyadh on 6/1/2009Center for Engineering Technology Construction was to change the name / institution reconstruction Contracting gimmick - owner : Mansour Abdullah Alstrae Riyadh on 27/12/2008Naser Al Murshid Mneef - owner : Nasser Mneef Riyadh on 29/12/2009Foundation Dauer Ocean Blue - owner : Fahad Mohamed Ibrahim Al-Shammari on 29/12/2009 RiyadhMedical group Ansar - owner : Ibrahim Ansari Ayyoubi grandfather on 12/1/2010Company Qazzaz Hussein Bakri Fsaz - On 20/1/2010 grandfatherKhaled shield Trade and Marketing - owner : Solomon Shield Shield on 14/1/2010 RiyadhSprings Valley company - owner : Mohammed Saqr Saqr on 11/2/2010 RiyadhMohammed Saad Al Riyadh cupboard on 5/7/2011Abdullah Hospital fasting forever, for the owner / Abdullah fasting eternity on 13-7-2011 grandfatherAhmed Mohammed Abdul Wahab Alnaay (Under Pfizer Adudah Kingdom ) on 25-12-2011Medical clinic Masyaf ( Sultan Abdullah Muhammad Lafraidy ) 11-1-2012Company Bassami Sahabha Mohammed erased Bassami dated 21-2-2012Riad righteous educational Riyadh on 3-3-2012National Foundation for Economic Development and its subsidiaries ( Foundation Imran Hassan Mohammed Habib - Foundation Amer Mohammed Hassan Habib - Foundation medium business Khalid Mohammed Hassan Habib ) Patarrkh 8-4-2012Umm Al-Qura Company to transport pilgrims on 27/08/2012Bakhsh Hospital and Medical Center of Mecca on 11/22/2012Faris Ayed Al-Shammari and Nasser Ibrahim fennel Consulting Engineers 12/09/2012Bruges Book Foundation Contracting 09/12/2012

================================LibyaCompany polyestrous building and maintenance on 09/12/2012================================LebanonSprings Lebanon " Sannine " - company Interbrand on 22/11/2012 ================================KuwaitNatural waterfall Company for General Trading on 21/5/2012 ================================United Arab EmiratesCompany Nabulsi Materials Trading Bannaesahbha : invitee / Mohamed Essam Al-Nabulsi on 13/8/2008 Abu Dhabi / UAE- Bay DCC - the current quarter Contracting -Ahmad Farouk Hassan for general maintenance on 13/2/2005Ibn seas Construction and maintenance of buildings on 20/12/2004 Emirates ================================BahrainA group of hotels suspicious of category three and four -star ones ( Gulf Gate - Alarvah - Carlton - Meshaal - Deirksan - Bahrain - International - Knights - Venice - Gulf Wings - Delmon - Aradous - San Rock - Nissan - Mirage - California ) Bahrain===============================Country

Aleppo Center for Trading & Contracting , Qatar and its branches on 03/26/2003 Qatar ================================Jordan

Hospital consolation Jordan - owner Hassan Asfour on 14/1/2010 Amman - Marka - sunrise eye

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